
Assalamualaikum w.b.t

What I write about might not be what I feel. It could be random. It could be about you, you or you. Or it could be about me. This is how I see the world. At least from what I saw through this thick spectacles.


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Hari ini dalam sejarah!

assalamualaikum wbt.

Memang betul dalam sejarah lah! Mula-mula tu excited. Then, risau. Sampai lembik lutut. Jalan tau nak jatuh je. Dah duduk atas kerusi dia, nervous. Tangan rumate pun digenggam kemas. Tapi rumate pegang kejap je. Yelah, dia pun cuak jugakkk. Haha. So, tangan Sya la yang jadi mangsa. Sampai akhir pegang tangan Sya. Hee tq Sya kasi pinjam tangan~

Akhirnya selesai. Sengal la jugak. Tapi at least hasrat hati tu dah langsai. Heh, dah lama kot nak buat.

Rumate: Purple
Me: Pink


*tq sya ngan awien! :D

Monday, December 26, 2011

Kau tanya, aku jawab.

assalamualaikum wbt.

Ada seorang kawan blogger tanya aku, tak sakit ke bila tengok your ex happy dengan perempuan lain?

Jawapan aku:

Entahla. Sakit juga mungkin. Sebab tulah sampai sekarang tak bukak fb ex. Sebab tahu akan ada adegan yang tak enak akan dipapar di situ. Risau situasi yang terpapar di dada fb itu akan menggoyahkan pendirian yang telah dibina, bukan, tepat-tepat sebulan. Heh, baru sedar akan tarikh itu. :)

Sebenarnya, bila di tanya soalan itu kalau dulu akan laju menjawab ya. Sakit. Aku pernah menangis semalaman bila tengok dia dan awek baru dia bermesra-mesra di fb. Semalaman. Ya. Sedih sebab terasa oh, betapa dulu kata-kata itu hanya ditujukan untuk aku. Bukan orang lain. Tapi hari ini kata-kata itu ditujukan untuk orang lain. Bukan aku. Tiada lagi aku dalam kamus hidup dia. Sedih. Terkilan. Marah. Benci. Dan sayang.

Sekarang? Mungkin kalau terjumpa akan terkedu sebentar. Hati akan berdetak kencang. Tapi aku jamin aku takkan jatuh pengsan. Sebab aku dah lepaskan dia. Senyum sedetik dan berlalu pergi. Ya, mungkin itu yang aku lakukan.

Teringat? Kadang-kala. Rindu? Oh, tak. Sayang? Ya, aku masih sayang dia. Bukan mudah untuk hilangkan perasan sayang itu. Ya, aku dah moved on. Aku dah get over dia. Tapi aku masih sayang dia. Sebab dia pernah hadir memberi rasa sayang. Dia pernah menerbitkan rasa rindu. Sekadar sayang sebagai bekas kekasih. Ya, bekas kekasih.

*Awak, saya mintak maaf tersound awak hari tu. Hakikatnya time tu saya tengah tensi dengan CIMB Bank Batu Gajah dan juga penat lantas bila dapat mesej awak tu terus saya meletup. Awak, maaf tapi bagi saya awak seorang bukan benar-benar seorang lelaki. Kalau awak betul seorang lelaki, awak takkan letak fon tu tapi awak akan cuba untuk membetulkan diri awak pada saya. Mungkin awak mahu elakkan pertengkaran tapi lebih true jika awak tak letak fon tu secara biadap begitu. Maaf tapi itulah pandangan saya.

**Dear Miss Anon, saya jawab pertanyaan awak kat sini ye. Saya harap awak tak kisah. :) Takpe, mana-mana perhubungan pun sama je. 4,5 tahun ke setahun ke. Semuanya sama. Sebab cara orang yang terlibat dalam perhubungan itu berbeza. Kalau dah berhubungan 4,5 tahun tapi orang yang dalam perhubungan tu mencorakkannya dengan cara umpama setahun perhubungan so camne? Sama je kan? Awak, lain orang lain caranya untuk dia move on. Cara saya lain, cara awak lain. Mungkin siuasi kita sama tapi prosesnya tak sama. Jadi awak jangan risau. Saya tahu awak kuat. InsyaALLAH awak akan kuat melalui semua ni. You'll be okay eventually. Dan percayalah, akan ada yang lebih baik menanti. InsyaALLAH. :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Cinta sampai syurga.

assalamualaikum wbt.

Sekarang ni kalau kat fb ramai yang share video pasal engagement Mr Arif and Miss Dena. Mula-mula tak rasa macam nak tengok pastu last-last tertengok jugak. Time tengok tu terus rasa macam, Aaaaaaaa~ Gosh, ini sangat comel! Dan penuh beradab. Now, that is how to approach a muslimat, young man.

Perempuan yang baik untuk lelaki yang baik. Itu janjiNYA bukan? Lepas view Miss Dena punya blog ternyata orangnya dari kalangan yang baik-baik. She's still a typical young girl who wants to have fun with her girlfriends. Well, she's only 19! What do you expect kan? But, she puts a limit in having fun. Tidak berlebih-lebihan. Dan kalau tengok dia punya vid tutorial on how to wear shawls pun, dia berdakwah dalam diam. Setiap vid tutorial dia tu mesti menekankan penutupan dada dengan baik. Dan juga tutup belakang sebab kadang-kadang ada yang pakai shawl ni either labuh kat depan singkat kat belakang or singkat depan labuh belakang. Aku tak pakai shawl tapi usha jugak die punya vid sebab seronok tengok. Hee. *jenis yang suka tengok orang pakai tapi sendiri pakai tak nak. haha*

To Miss Dena, good job! Di samping awak menceritakan kisah awak, sebenarnya bagi saya awak menyampaikan mesej yang sangat bermakna untuk remaja-remaja di luar sana *termasuklah saya*. Hubungan yang dirahmatiNYA mestilah mendapat restu ibu ayah dan paling penting mendapat redhaNYA. Moga dipanjangkan jodoh olehNYA sampai syurga. :)

*Nak jugak macam Miss Dena tu boleh tak? Tapi kena jadi baik dululah. Ye dak?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Qada' dan QadarNYA.

assalamualaikum wbt.

Awak, I think I've made myself very clear last time. Don't contact me ever again. Make yourself invisible to me and vise versa. And make yourself dead to me and make myself dead to you. See, very clear right? But still, why did you have to contact me again? *sigh* Please dear you. Don't ever contact me again. There's no harm actually but please, think of her too. What would she feels if she knows you sent me messages saying you dreaming of me, missing me and stuffs? *sigh again* Please consider her feelings. I am nothing to you now and I want it to be that way forever.


Heh, sedikit selingan ye di atas. Kalau-kalau dia terbaca blog ni. Hee. Sebenarnya kan, rasa tak percaya jugak. Sebab satu insiden kat KL aritu terus cepat boleh get over dia. Mungkin apa yang dia buat tu terlalu sakit sampai lepas tu rasa macam, haih, dahla. Enough is enough. No more you. Please. Di tambah dengan brainwash oleh rumate dan bestfriends. Memang sangat berkesan la brainwash diorang tu. Siapa-siapa yang nak kena brainwash boleh contact saya untuk pihak diorang. Tak mahal tak mahal. Hee sempat lagi tu.

Dan jugak. Terima qada' dan qadar ALLAH. Itu yang sangat penting. Bila kau terima qada' dan qadarNYA, insyaALLAH DIA permudahkan urusan kau. Tapi untuk terima qada' dan qadar ni bukan senang tahu? Sangat susah. Bertuah bagi aku sebab aku hanya ambik masa selama 2 bulan untuk terima. Ada orang ambik masa mungkin berbulan-bulan. Mungkin jugak bertahun-tahun. Ye, kita memang boleh cakap, "Aku terima qada' dan qadarNYA.". Tapi mungkin tu hanya kat bibir je. Tak sepenuhnya dari hati. Aku awal-awal pun macam tu. Kemain mulut cakap "Aku terima semua ni. Adalah hikmahnya tu," tapi dalam hati kemain jerit why whyyyyyyy? Takpe, slow-slow. Take baby steps before turning it into giant one.

Kawan. Bestfriends. Mereka sangat penting. Dan carilah kawan yang betul-betul kau boleh percaya. Yang boleh simpan apa yang kau cerita dan tak jaja cerita kau dekat orang yang tak sepatutnya. Aku sangat bertuah. Sangat-sangat bertuah. Sebab aku ada bestfriends yang sudi dengar cerita aku. Bagi pendapat diorang (atau lebih pada brainwash. haha). Brainwash ni pun berguna jugak. Sebab most of the time, we knew what we have been doing is useless but we keep telling ourselves that it's okay to try over and over again. We keep seeing signs but we ignore it. When someone told us that what we have been doing is useless, yes, we will be dumbfounded at first, but after that we will stop for awhile and think. And we will admit that it is true eventually. No point of waiting. No point. So, thanks eh rumate dan bestfriends. Aku sayang korang!

Daripada kejadian ni jugak la aku dapat seorang bestfriend. He is indeed my friend tapi sebelum ni takdelah sampai jadi bestfriend. We have been in the same primary, secondary school. Even the same university though different courses. When he heard that I had been in difficult situation, he came to offer his hand. He keeps giving me advices. Keeps giving me support. And he is playing a big role for me to survive this test. Thanks eh you. Aku sayang kaulah! :D

So, kesimpulannya *ceh, macam karangan sekolah* apa yang terjadi tu ada hikmahnya. Everything happens for a reason. You won't realize it at first. But, eventually you will know. HE tests you for a reason. Just be yourself and face the tests with a smile. 'Cause when you smile, the world will smile back to you.


*Bestfriend bagi. Comel kan? Macam orang yang bagi. Hee :D*

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hidung kembang kuncup. Heh.

assalamualaikum wbt.

*klik untuk penglihatan yang lebih jelas*

Heheh, Bangga kejap. Haha.*eleh, tu pun nak bangga. biarlah! blog aku! XD*

Thanks ye dik. :))

Friday, December 2, 2011

Alhamdu lillah. :)

assalamualaikum wbt.

Haih, dah lama dah tak jenguk blog sendiri. Dok pegi jenguk blog orang lain je. Sorry ye dear blog.

Okeh, semua post Surat untuk Kau aku dah delete. Kenapa? Sebab InsyaALLAH aku dah get over dia. Yep, I am. Thank you for that incident past two weeks. Seriously, thank you. If not, I won't get over you this fast.

Thousand gratitude to my dearest roommate and Sya yang brainwash aku hari tu. Oh, brainwash korang sangat berkesan la. Terus sedar diri sendiri.

Sometimes we need to be scolded by our closest person so that we realize what we have been doing is useless.
-farhana aziz, 25 November 2011-

And for you. Thank you. Really. Thanks. You know who you are. :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Oh oh. U made me laugh XD

assalamualaikum wbt.

Tak tau nak cakap apa but seriously, you made me laugh.

And yes, I do laugh a lot! XD

Monday, November 14, 2011

Aku jumpa kau dan aku tersenyum.

assalamualaikum wbt.

I'm bleeding.
Blood's everywhere.
All over the place.
But yet,
I'm still here.
Cannot move.
Even a single inch.
Waiting to be burnt into ashes perhaps?
And being reborn again.
Like a phoenix.

Ya, aku kecewa. Aku sakit. Aku rabak. Aku rebah dalam ujian Yang Maha Esa ini. Sesungguhnya aku tak kuat. Aku lemah. Sudah bersungai air mata jatuh. Sudah berbakul tisu habis. Tapi sakit di hati takkan jua hilang. Ah, beratnya ujianMu Ya Tuhan.

Tapi, ALLAH itu Maha Penyayang. DIA bukakan sedikit jalan untukku. Di samping mak ayah, rakan-rakan, DIA pertemukan aku dengan kau. Hadirnya kau memberi sedikit sinar. Sesungguhnya. Saat aku terasa sakit yang amat sangat, aku meronta-ronta untuk menemui kau. Saat kau di depanku, hati ku terpujuk. Hatiku sedikit tenang. Dengan bantuan Subhanallah, Alhamdu lillah, Allahuakbar di bibirku; menemui kau memujuk hati rawan ini.

Sesungguhnya aku berterima kasih padaNYA. Kerana menemukan aku dengan kau. Aku bersyukur aku dirabakkan. Jika tidak aku takkan menemui kau tahu? Biarpun kau hanyalah cetusan idea pelbagai penulis di muka blogspot, aku sangat berterima kasih kepada kau. Biarpun kau hanyalah wujud di alam maya ini, aku bersyukur ditemukan dengan kau.

Terima kasih Terfaktab!

*setinggi penghargaan untuk skuad Terfaktab sebab buat hidup aku sedikit bersinar terutama Aqram selaku founder Terfaktab. Dan jugak Mr. K yang buat aku kenal Terfaktab. Dan semestinya author-author Terfaktab yang lain iaitu Penulis.Sahaja, Eleena Reeney, Hellioz, TheBentPencil, Bukan Penggoda , Amoi, Durian!, Ladynoe, Lord Zara, Cob Nobbler, Ulii Azman, Leplep, Shahirah Khairudin, Isaac Ismael, dan Sofia Nin. (maaf sangat kalau ada yang tertinggal. Tak sengaja. huu)
**aku tahu dah habis dah peraduan ni tapi aku tetap nak buat jugak post ni sebagai penghargaan aku untuk Terfaktab yang banyak bantu aku sebulan dua ni.
***akhir kata, Selamat Ulang Tahun yang Pertama Terfaktab! :)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

My future hubby. This one's for you.

assalamualaikum wbt.

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought Your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Dear my dearest future hubby. No matter where you are now, or what you do. I dedicate this beautiful song for you. And yes, I'll love you for a thousand years. And for a thousand more.


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mimpi lagi.

assalamualaikum wbt.

Memang la mimpi lagi. Bukan tiap-tiap malam ke kita mimpi? Dan secara saintifiknya setiap manusia akan bermimpi setiap kali dia tido. Orang yang cakap die tak mimpi tu boleh la dikatakan die tipu tapi takpe, die tipu secara tak sedar sebab most of the time kita akan lupa mimpi kita. Saintis yang buat research ni cakap gelombang otak orang yang claim die tak mimpi sama dengan gelombang otak yang mimpi. So, natijahnya die mimpi la jugak kan? Eh, tetiba cakap pasal sains plak. Okeh, serius rindu nak khatam buku teks biologi macam dulu-dulu.

Mimpi lagi. Situasi berlainan. Tetapi intinya sama. Dan cukup untuk buat diri ini terbuai. Harapan dan harapan. Macam agak mustahil tapi tak salah untuk terus berharap bukan? Asalkan tak terlalu berharap sudah. Ye tak?

*Dah dua hari bangun tido dengan tersenyum. Syukur. :)

Monday, October 31, 2011

assalamualaikum wbt.

Sesungguhnya aku tak tahu bila aku akan sembuh. Ada masa aku rasa aku dah kuat alih-alih tiba-tiba leleh tak berlagu.

Dan hari ini, air jernih itu sekali lagi menodai pipi. Ah, sudah aku katakan, jangan bertanya jika dalam hati tidak bermaksud apa-apa.

"Kau jangan cuba beri harapan atau menerima cinta dari seseorang kalau kau belum sedia. Kerana kau akan menyeksa orang yang mencintai kau. Dia boleh maafkan, tapi boleh ke dia lupakan?"
-penulis.sahaja, Terfaktab-

**Sangat tertarik dengan cara penulisan penulis.sahaja. Jiwa-jiwa yet still selamba jugak.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Hari ni putus.

Sebulan pastu aku dapat tau kau usha orang lain.

Sebulan lepas tu aku dapat tau kau dengan budak tu dah jadi.

Sebulan lepas tu ape lagi berita yang akan sampai?

Ah, dem!

*entry ni aku tak bagi salam sebab aku buat entri ni untuk aku mencarut. tapi dem je yang mampu keluar. ah, shhhht.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Saya terharu sangat-sangat bila sahabat saya buat ini.

assalamualaikum wbt.

No words needed. 'Cause there's no words can describe how touched I am when I am reading these:

Yang Selayaknya by Hunnyhanani.

kerana kita punya rasa yang berbeza.
aku sendiri,kau pergi membawa diri.
aku masih di sini,kau sudah punya pengganti.
dan aku tetap menanti.

mungkin bukan dikau.
boleh jadi dia.dia dan dia.
mana mungkin sama antara kau dan dia.
bayangan masa silam yang suram berbalam
mana mungkin serupa dengan masa depan yang gemilang.
aku mungkin sendiri tapi aku masih di sini.
menanti pada yang pasti.

walau aku tidak punya dikau,
aku ada DIA.
dan mereka.

writen from heart to my dearest friend,Fana.
hugs and kisses from afar.

My dearest friend. Thank you for everything. Thank you for the time you hear me cry. Thank you for the trouble you had by calling me from afar. Thank you for the poem above. Thank you. I completely cannot repay you for those things you've done for me but I only can pray to ALLAH SWT that HE will bless you and keep you safe wherever you are.

Thank God I have you as my friend. :))

(the poem above is pasted from her blog)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

assalamualaikum wbt.

Dear you. Please stop sending me texts on how much your new girl resembles me. You're not being fair to her. Besides, just let me live my life as you live yours.

Cheers. :)


assalamualaikum wbt.

Gombak. Semoga tiada kali ke-3 buat masa ini. Biarlah hati ini tenang dulu. Dan kuat untuk kembali semula ke situ.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


assalamualaikum wbt.

That is what girls are. We always say things opposite to what we feel. Because sometimes we don't want to burden people around us but when people believe that we are okay as what we said, we will feel frustrated.

At least it applies to me. Sometimes. :)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Selamat ulang tahun sya~!

assalamualaikum wbt.

Selamat ulang tahun yang ke-21 Sy Fatin Farhana bt Tuan Embong!

Semoga awak sentiasa diredhaiNYA.
Semoga jalan awak dipermudahkanNYA sentiasa.
Semoga awak sentiasa happy bersama famili.
Semoga ALLAH SWT mempermudahkan jodoh. hee

And Sya,
thanks for being my friend.
thanks for being understanding.
and thanks for being such a goooood friend.

Love u much. :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

DaripadaNya kita datang, kepadaNYA juga kita kembali.

assalamualaikum wbt.

Pagi tadi time tengah siap-siap nak ke kelas terima satu berita yang sangat mengejutkan. Innalillah.. Moga rohnya dicucuri rahmatNYA. Amiin.

*gambar kelas time form 4. satu kelas dengan arwah*

*satu kelas lagi dengan arwah time form 5.*

Mengingatkan diri sendiri bahawa ajal itu sangat dekat dan tidak mengira usia. Subhanallah Ya ALLAH.

Monday, October 17, 2011


assalamualaikum wbt.

Lelaki itu hipokrit. Don't they?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

cintaku seorang duda

assalamualaikum wbt.

Haa, tajuk nak kontroversi je kan hee. Sebenarnya tu tajuk cerpen. Cite die best jgk la. Cite pasal dara kawen ngan duda anak sorang. Best gak camtu kan. Dapat sorang anak ekspress. Tak payah susah2 mengandung, bersalin bagai. HAHA.

Ni die link cerpen tu. Cintaku seorang duda.

Btw, tadi terjumpa satu gambar ni.

First 3 words aku jumpa:
: funny = er, seriously? Aku ni blur kot. Cuba tanya rumate.
: sad = HAHA. no komen.
: beautiful = erk, ade orang cakap aku selekeh kot sampai malu bawak jumpe kawan2 die. HAHA

berat mata memandang berat lagi bahu memikul

assalamualaikum wbt.

Aku penah buat post pasal kawan-kawan kat sini kan? Hari ni aku nak buat lagi post pasal kawan. Saja gatal tangan nak buat lagi. HAHA

The truth is, I do appreciate my friends. They always with me through thick and thin. They make me strong when I wither. They offer their shoulder for me to cry on. They bring me anywhere I want to go. They support me in everything.

For my friends, Rumate, Sya and Awien. Thanks much. Tanpa korang aku tak tau apa akan jadi kat aku ni. Korang pun tahu kan aritu aku miserable gila. Sekarang ni kalo nak miserable memang tak bole langsung sebab korang for sure buat aku happy.

I am grateful to ALLAH SWT for granting me with such a wonderful friends. And Ya ALLAH, I couldn't ask for more. This is more than enough.

Thank you Ya Rabb. :)

*betullah orang cakap. Friends insyaALLAH will always be there for u. But lover, once they don't love u anymore they will simply vanish.

Friday, October 14, 2011

membebel di malam hari

assalamualaikum wbt.

Kadang-kadang bila tengok fb ni rasa nak tergelak pun ada. Kalo kat wall tu penuh ngan status pasal kawen la, relationship la, cinta la. Yela, sape tak nak kawen beb. Aku pun nak kawen. Dahla bercita-cita nak kawen awal. HAHA

Dulu time aku still in relationship aku takde la terpikir pun nak bother pasal diorang punya status tu. Tapi bila da sorang ni, bile baca status-status tu buat aku terpikir. Aku ni dah besar dah kot. Kalo kawen dah bole beranak kan. Kawan-kawan plak macam sibuk nak usha2 pasangan hidup. Aku pun sama la kan. hee

Sape la taknak kawen kan? Untuk aku pompuan, aku nak la ada lelaki yang bole jaga aku. Bole bimbing aku. Bole gitau aku bile aku da gemuk or da kurus ngan jujur. HAHA. But then, aku rasa macam umur 21 tahun ni awal lagi kot untuk aku involve balik ngan serious relationship. And kadang-kadang rasa macam bile da sampai waktu nak mintak tolong je umi abah carikan. Bile da jumpe, berkenan, kawen terus. Senang. HAHA. Best pe bercinta pas kawen. HAHA. Gatai gila aku. :P

Sekarang ni aku seronok ade ngan kawan-kawan. Pas abis study nak kerja dulu bagi umi, abah, adik-adik rasa duit hasil kerja kakak sulung diorang ni. Da sampai masa, ada jodoh kawen la kan. Takde kat dunia, kat sana insyaALLAH ada tapi kena la usaha baiki diri dulu. Nak dapat yang baik kena la jadi baik dulu ye tak?HAHA

Okay, serious aku da meraban benda pelik-pelik. Harus berhenti sebelum merepek lebih banyak benda lagi.

*okeh, ini seyes sangat comel~*

**da weng akibat makan perut kambing tadi. perut penuh tak leh tido. huu

Thursday, October 13, 2011


assalamualaikum wbt.

Semalam mimpi dia meninggal. Orang cakap mimpi orang meninggal ni insyaALLAH dia panjang umur. Takpelah. Doakan je la kan.

Dan berharap signifikan mimpi tu meresap dalam diri. Seolah2 dia dah takde dalam dunia ni dan hanya boleh mengenang dari jauh saja.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

assalamualaikum wbt.

i'm acting cool. but the truth is i'm crying inside.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Dear me,

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Selamat ulang tahun yang ke-21~!

Moga lebih kuat menghadapi cabaran hidup
Moga lebih matang menghadapi konflik-konflik dunia
Moga lebih menjadi anak yang baik untuk umi dan abah
Moga menjadi kakak yang lebih baik untuk adik-adik
Moga lebih bersedia menghadapi mati.

Ya ALLAH, KAU jadikanlah hidup aku pada tahun ini lebih bermakna.

*thanks to those yang wish. Abah umi yang wish dari kelantan. Chapid yang call dari jepun. Partner, Furqan y hantar msg sweet gila. Ayeh, Ha, Tinchah, Fizah, Akif, Dyana, and Chema' yang hantar msg. Aznan yang wish lepas fana gitau hee. Dan jugak yang wish kat fb. Tapi paling terharu roomie, Husna, Sya n Awien yang surprisekan semalam. Thanks much! :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Stereo Heart - Gym Class Heroes ft. Adam Levine

My heart's a stereo
It beats for you, so listen close
Hear my thoughts in every note

Make me your radio
Turn me up when you feel low
This melody was meant for you
Just sing along to my stereo

If I was just another dusty record on the shelve
Will you blow me off and play me like everybody else
If I ask you to scratch my back, could you manage that
Like it read well, check it Travie, I can handle that
Furthermore, I apologize for any skipping tracks
This the last girl that play me left a couple cracks
I used to used to used to used to, now I’m over that
Cause holding grudges over love is ancient artifacts

If I could only find a note to make you understand
I sing a song and the image grab me by the hands
Keep myself inside your head, like your favorite tune
And know my heart is a stereo that only plays for you

My heart's a stereo
It beats for you, so listen close
Hear my thoughts in every note

Make me your radio
Turn me up when you feel low
This melody was meant for you
Just sing along to my stereo

Oh oh oh oh To my stereo
Oh oh oh oh So sing along to my stereo

If I wasn't old school, fifty pound boombox
Would you hold me on your shoulder, wherever you walk

Would you turn my volume up before of the cops
And crank it higher everytime they told you to stop
And all I ask is that you don't get mad at me
When you have to purchase mad D batteries
Appreciate every mixtape your friends make
You never know we come and go like we're on the interstate

I think finally found a note to make you understand
If you can hear it, sing along and take me by the hands
Keep myself inside your head, like your favorite tune
And know my heart is a stereo that only plays for you

My heart's a stereo
It beats for you, so listen close
Hear my thoughts in every note

Make me your radio
Turn me up when you feel low
This melody was meant for you
Just sing along to my stereo

Oh oh oh oh To my stereo
Oh oh oh oh So sing along to my stereo

I only pray you never leave me behind
Because good music can be so hard to find
I take your hand and pull it closer to mine
Thought love was dead, but now you're changing my mind

My heart's a stereo
It beats for you, so listen close
Hear my thoughts in every note

Make me your radio
Turn me up when you feel low
This melody was meant for you
Just sing along to my stereo

Oh oh oh oh To my stereo
Oh oh oh oh So sing along to my stereo

*holding grudges over love is ancient artifacts. :)

Friday, September 30, 2011

Ghost of You - MCR

I never said I'd lie and and wait forever
If I died we'd be together
I can't always just forget her
But she could try

At the end of the world or the last thing I see
You are never coming home
Never coming home
Could I?
Should I?
And all the things that you never ever told me
And all the smiles that are ever ever

Get the feeling that you're never
All alone and I remember now
At the top of my lungs in my arms she dies
She dies

At the end of the world
Or the last thing I see
You are never coming home
Never coming home
Could I?
Should I?
And all the things that you never ever told me
And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me

Never coming home
Never coming home
Could I?
Should I?
And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me
For all the ghosts that are never gonna catch me

If I fall
If I fall

At the end of the world
Or the last thing I see
You are never coming home
Never coming home
never coming home
Never coming home
And all the things that you never ever told me
And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me
Never coming home
Never coming home
Could I?
Should I?
And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me
For all the ghosts that are never gonna

*oh dear sweet ghost, please do come and haunt me. :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thanks much.


Everything happens for a reason. Instead of sadness, happiness will come.

Thousands of thanks to everyone. Kak Wani n Kak Sab yang sanggup dengar cite fana. Roomate, Husna yang sabar je ngan fana sebab terbangun pagi2 terkejut fana wat hal then lepas tu dengar cite fana. Nani yang sanggup kol dari London. Seyesly aku terharu Nani. Chapid yang sanggup tido lambat sebab jadi pendengar setia fana. Sya yang bagi banyak kata2 perangsang. Awien yang tak jadi tido bile fana bukak cite. Abg Sholleh jugak yang sabar je ngan fana. Abg Pingu yang ceriakan hati fana. Ha yang bagi banyak nasihat. Furqan yang terlebih geram bila fana cite. Takpe, nanti kite belasah die sampai separuh mati ea hee. Aznan yang banyak bagi nasihat at the same time brainwash fana jgk. Dan mungkin kawan2 lain yang menyokong secara senyap(ada ke?prasanlah aku ni. haha :D)

Terima kasih. Sekalung penghargaan diberikan.

And for you, you clearly don't deserve me. I can't believe I let u hurt me over and over again. But now, ALLAH SWT had opened my eyes. Syukran Ya ALLAH. He never deserves me even from the start. I deserve someone waaaaayyy better. InsyaALLAH.

*haih, xabis ag perasaan nak shopping ni..huu

Tuesday, September 27, 2011



How I wish I can get time to move faster so that I do not have to be in this process. The process is so hard that dying is not painful enough rather than this.

I never know that u can be this cruel. Seems like the person I used to know has been dead. U've changed.

But why u still want to act like nothing happened? U keep telling me that u wanna be friends. U keep posting on my fb walls. When I deleted it u asked me why. Oh, helloooo! Please be sensible. I am trying to let go but u're making things even harder. Maybe u have forgotten about everything but I'm not. How am I supposed to forget everything in a month?

I cried my eyes out. I cried till I barely can open my eyes. But, bear in mind. I cried not because I want u back. I cried because I felt so stupid. Soo stupid for letting u do this to me.

So please. Go away. Don't ever come back. And I hope I won't see u again. Ever. And get the hell outta my mind too.

Monday, September 26, 2011



Kalau tak hendak katakan tak hendak. Jangan berdolak dalik mengatakan itu ini.
Kelak memakan diri. Juga orang di sekeliling.
Usah pandai mengatakan maaf jika tidak sebetulnye bermaksud begitu.
Kelak memakan diri. Juga orang di sekeliling.
Usahlah memujuk jika hati tidak rela.
Kelak memakan diri. Juga orang di sekeliling.

Sudahlah. Pergilah dikau jauh-jauh. Usah kembali lagi. Selepas ini dan selamanya.

*how am I supposed to forget everything? 4 years is not 4 days dude.

please please please. please stop breaking my heart again and again.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bila mata dah layu...



Comel sangat la mamat ni. Sangat suka tengok die senyum. Adorable sangat. Muka die tak la hensem kan tapi sangat adorable!

Start tengok die dalam series My Girlfriend is a Gumiho. Terus rasa die comel. Pastu kat umah tengok plak realiti show KBS, 2 Days 1 Night. Lagila rasa macam kyaaaa~ :P

Btw,nama die Lee Seunggi. :)

*nice konsep realiti show 2 Days 1 Night. diorang guna selebriti untuk promote tempat2 menarik kat Korea. Malaysia taknak buat ke? rasanya better buat rancangan macam ni dari realiti show nyanyian tu. at least bole generate income negara kan?
*isi post takde kaitan dengan tajuk. huu

Friday, September 9, 2011



Kesian kat blog ni. Tuan dia ade penyakit angin kus-kus. Ada 'angin' nak update, die update. Kalau 'angin' tu melayang dihembus bayu, blog ni pun bersawang la. Sori ea Encik Blog. hee

But since now I've get the 'angin' to scribble some tiny things here, I am sure u won't be bersawang anymore Encik Blog. At least for a while :P

I don't have much in my mind right now but I still wanna write something here. Err, let me think for a sec, ok?


Ok, I've got something!

Everybody has friends, don't they? Friends kind of important to every one of us. Even if u don't have real friends, u'll have parents, brothers, sisters, lover, or even your pets who/which will always be by your side and that's what friends do.

Friends, they will never doubt u, correct u when u're wrong, stand for u, make u feel good and the most important, they will believe u and be there when u need a shoulder to lean on or to cry on. Friend in need is a friend indeed, ever heard this before peeps?

Well, regarding the little accident I had recently, I've gotta say friends are the one that make me feel that I am a star instead of whatever happens, well maybe a bit exaggerating but u got my point right?

I felt hopeless, ashamed, embarrassed, and whatnot. Then one day while I was online, I've got a buzz from a brother that I haven't contacted or spoken of for a quite long time. He doesn't say anything, but a simple "Assalamualaikum, still pakai number lama?" has brighten my day. Then we chatted for a while. Stop because I have to do my chores and continue texting at the night.

I don't know why but maybe because of the power of simple sentence, I've got myself back. I began to sing happy songs again and I started laughing out loud with my little sisters again. And then today, I've got a little girls' outing with my girlfriends. And that really lightens me up. A big, fat thanks I give to my sweet Una and my honey Nani. Although it was only 3,4 hours outing, it means bigggggg to me. Thanks much. :)

Thank you, thank you and thank you. For those who cared, for those who asked. I never asked for those. I don't need your sympathy or empathy or whatever. But I want all my friends out there know that I am grateful for having such an awesome friends. And yeah, I'm awesome too*oh how I miss u, Barney Stinson* :P

*turns out, a best friend is not really best friend anymore. I found this out too.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011



Well, life is kinda hard to me these days. However, without hard days easy days won't be sweet ayte? So I get to move on and live my life at the fullest again.

During my so-called gloomy days, I watched the tv series, Glee. I didn't want to watch it at first but I've got the series from my cousin so having it stocked in my hard drive it will be such a waste if I don't watch it rite? Thus, I watched the series. The Pilot, well, I don't seem to be captivated much but somehow I moved on to the next episode. And that's when I've got the hooked feeling.

Therefore, there I am. Watching it episodes by episodes, back to back. And I tell u, this series help me to move on. There are so many lessons learnt, so many useful advices in it. And u've got to listen to the songs too. Lovely, isn't it?

I am always a big fan to musicals. There is one song that I like. It is a Christmas song though(because it was sung in Christmas episode but I really hope it is not a Christmas song as the lyrics doesn't have anything related to the holiday) but I find the lyrics is beautiful. "Baby,it's cold outside." Beautiful song, really. Although by the fact it was sung by two gay people. :P

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Patutlah counter kat bawah tu tak nak gerak. Berhenti terus kat 3 years, 8 months and 1 day. Rupanya ada petanda.

People asked, are you okay? and I'd say, I'm coping. But, eventually it is not easy to move on alone when you used to be double for nearly four years. Anyway, wish me luck ya?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Ballad of Mona Lisa - Panic! At the Disco

She paints her fingers with a close precision
He starts to notice empty bottles of gin
And takes a moment to assess the sins she’s paid for

A lonely speaker in a conversation
Her words were swimming through his ears again
There's nothing wrong with just a taste of what you've paid for

Say what you mean
Tell me I'm right
And let the sun rain down on me
Give me a sign
I want to believe

Woah, Mona Lisa,
You're guaranteed to run this town
Woah, Mona Lisa,
I'd pay to see you frown

He senses something, call it desperation
Another dollar, another day
And if she had the proper words to say,
She would tell him
But she'd have nothing left to sell him

Say what you mean
Tell me I'm right
And let the sun rain down on me
Give me a sign
I want to believe

Woah, Mona Lisa,
You're guaranteed to run this town
Woah, Mona Lisa,
I'd pay to see you frown

Mona Lisa wear me out
Pleased to please ya
Mona Lisa wear me out

Say what you mean
Tell me I'm right
And let the sun rain down on me
Give me a sign
I want to believe

Woah, Mona Lisa,
You're guaranteed to run this town
Woah, Mona Lisa,
I'd pay to see you frown

Say what you mean
Tell me I'm right
And let the sun rain down on me
Give me a sign
I want to believe

There's nothing wrong with just a taste of what you've paid for

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Time & Perspective.


'cos it is only a number.
and it doesn't mean anything.

but, the love itself that counts.
*haha, guna komen sendiri kat blog orang lain wat modal buat post.*

Sebenarnya, bila baca balik komen tu, rasa macam tak percaya that is a comment posted by me. Because the me back then was totally a person that counts the number. Macam satu kemegahan bila pikir, "Wah, dah lama dah aku dengan dia ni. Bangga-bangga. Haha XD."

But now, I think the number doesn't mean anything. If there is no love in the air, then what's the point of having those big-big numbers? If we argue on almost everything everyday, 5 or 6 years even 10 years mean nothing. What does count is what we feel for each other. How we treat the other person and how we respect each other.

Well, yes I've been with him for almost 4 years now. Yes, I've put a counter indicating how many days, weeks, months, years had past since we started everything. But, for me that is how I reminisce the memories we had all this while.

Time. It is not only an healer, but it changes how we see things. As for me, it changes my view on seeing the world.

*well, I think this is my first time talking directly about my relationship. Sebelum ni rasa macam benda tu private sangat2. And I wish to keep it that way. :)
**Aten, lagu blog aten wat fana nk layan lagu2 Kangen Band. hee
***okeh, mau layan lagu Kangen Band sekarang. :)