
Assalamualaikum w.b.t

What I write about might not be what I feel. It could be random. It could be about you, you or you. Or it could be about me. This is how I see the world. At least from what I saw through this thick spectacles.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Time & Perspective.


'cos it is only a number.
and it doesn't mean anything.

but, the love itself that counts.
*haha, guna komen sendiri kat blog orang lain wat modal buat post.*

Sebenarnya, bila baca balik komen tu, rasa macam tak percaya that is a comment posted by me. Because the me back then was totally a person that counts the number. Macam satu kemegahan bila pikir, "Wah, dah lama dah aku dengan dia ni. Bangga-bangga. Haha XD."

But now, I think the number doesn't mean anything. If there is no love in the air, then what's the point of having those big-big numbers? If we argue on almost everything everyday, 5 or 6 years even 10 years mean nothing. What does count is what we feel for each other. How we treat the other person and how we respect each other.

Well, yes I've been with him for almost 4 years now. Yes, I've put a counter indicating how many days, weeks, months, years had past since we started everything. But, for me that is how I reminisce the memories we had all this while.

Time. It is not only an healer, but it changes how we see things. As for me, it changes my view on seeing the world.

*well, I think this is my first time talking directly about my relationship. Sebelum ni rasa macam benda tu private sangat2. And I wish to keep it that way. :)
**Aten, lagu blog aten wat fana nk layan lagu2 Kangen Band. hee
***okeh, mau layan lagu Kangen Band sekarang. :)

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