
Assalamualaikum w.b.t

What I write about might not be what I feel. It could be random. It could be about you, you or you. Or it could be about me. This is how I see the world. At least from what I saw through this thick spectacles.


Friday, July 19, 2013

Have you ever wonder?

assalamualaikum wbt. 

Kadang-kadang ada rasa pelik tak, bila kawan yang dah lama kita kenal, yang kita ingat kita dah paham dia. Kita pun anggap dia paham kita, tapi at times when we need them the most, diorang takde? Kalau kita ada masalah, kita tanggung sorang-sorang. Bila kita bad mood, they don't take the liberty of asking, what's wrong? Bila kita sedih, tiada bahu yang dioffer. 

Tapi, ada kawan yang baru kita kenal. Kadang-kadang tak sampai seminggu. Tapi kita rasa macam dia dekat sangat dengan kita. Hampir boleh paham kita macam dah kenal lima tahun. Boleh tahu kegemaran. Boleh tahu kebencian. Yang akan risau gila dekat kita. 

Yes, I am a loner. I work best alone. And I like it that way. I often tell people to be safe. To tell me once they reach home from visiting/dropping me off. But, I've never experienced the situation where there're people who anxious about me when I am not updating them at what time I've arrived home from visiting them. I always give the favour but it seems strange to be returned the favour. I was stunned, yes and I was touched. 

Oh ya, I am boarding on an emotional roller-coaster thus this emotional post. 

Tapi aku nak cakap. Aku sangat bertuah ditemukan dengan kamu, kamu dan kamu. Moga persahabatan kita diberkatiNya sentiasa. 

Aku sayang korang. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

I'll be damned.

assalamualaikum wbt.

Awak, ye kita boleh simply bukak buku baru. Tapi apa yang berlaku dulu takkan berhenti hantui saya. Saya tak rasa saya boleh. Because for me, that single action will means a lot to me. It is not merely a meeting. It's like you're giving me a hope. A hope to hope. I don't want that. Because I simply tired of hoping. I've been a silly girl once and I am certain I don't wanna be a silly girl twice. 

It might be a single meeting for you. Perhaps it means nothing for you. While for me, it might bring everything up again. Oh, I couldn't afford the feelings again. Those goddamn feelings. 

Ahh, I am screwed. For being in this situation alone.*sigh*