
Assalamualaikum w.b.t

What I write about might not be what I feel. It could be random. It could be about you, you or you. Or it could be about me. This is how I see the world. At least from what I saw through this thick spectacles.


Monday, February 20, 2012


assalamualaikum wbt.

I once board a train. But then, I realized that the train is heading in wrong direction. Hence, I got off the train.

Now, I am waiting. And waiting. Waiting for the next train.

When will the next train come?


AA said...

one day insyaallah :)

Farhana Aziz said...

InsyaALLAH. And by that time, I will be ready. :)

Anonymous said...

this is very interesting. im the anon before :)

Farhana Aziz said...

oh hi again miss anon!

and thank you. :)

Anonymous said...

i'm bleeding again, lately :(
bila nak totally heal nh? how you doing btw? hee.

Farhana Aziz said...

Oh.. I am sorry to hear that. :(
What can I do for you? Really. I wanna help.

I am doing good so far. Alhamdu lillah. :)
I hope you'll be as fine as I am in no time. Maybe better! :D

Anonymous said...

hope so! actually, hari tuh da rasa macam 3/4-ly moved on, tp something happened, and i just realised, another 1/4 freaked me out so much, and yes, blum totally move on lagi.

tp luckily i got so many awesome friends yg keep bg smgt. ade jgk satu mase tuh, i wanna add your skype, but im too too, shy(?) haha

in short, i wanna ditch my ex. being close to your ex, it doesnt cool at all. and yes, it killed.

even if im bleeding, that one was just 1/4 part yg x move on lg. so xde la teruk sgt. im waiting time yg totally moved on tuh.

byk plak merepek! hee sorry! :)

Farhana Aziz said...

Ala, tak kesah pun banyak merepek. Saya pun selalu merepek laaaaagi banyak. Hee

Erm, it is undeniable that keeping a distance between you and your ex is good. At least you have time for your own self. Besides, keep seeing him only will made you bleeding some more.

But, I don't know your situation. As for me, I was in LDR before so memang kitorang tak perlu mengadap muka masing-masing lepas break up. Syukur di situ.

Takpe takpe. Dah ok dah tu. Almost fully recovered dah tu. Biasa la. Kadang-kadang kita rasa kita dah sembuh. Tapi mesti akan ada time yang kita macam teringat la apa la.

Eh, btw, takyah la malu nak add my skype. I am looking forward to know you more! :)

Anonymous said...

takde la LDR pn b4 nh. hehe. u dekat je, means area kl. tp bukan satu u la. hehe.

yep, sgt setuju. we have to make a distance between our ex kan. br bley recover. how can we move on if he's still around us.

actually, after break tuh, macam jadi kawan yg sgt rapat. then he met someone else. out of nowhere. pstuh tym tuh br rasa a very awful heartbroken, and saya bawak dri. i cant stand seeing him with that new girl.

but he always contact me, nak jadi kawan. nk make up balik. byk kali saya cakap, i cant be friends for the time being. so till i've moved on, dont contact me.

die mcm x igt janji die, still contact. and i really want to disappear.

and yes, i know im healingggg! kalau awak bley, x kan saya pn x bley kan? thanks farhana :)

saya add bila saya dah ready :')

Farhana Aziz said...

Sorry, but for me, that guy is being hypocrite. He is only thinking of himself. If he thinks about you, he will make some space for you. He will not question your need to be away from him. At least, until you've moved on.

My ex pun macam tu dulu. Keep trying to be friends with me. Even saya dah cakap saya tak nak still die cuba jugak. Last-last saya fed up, saya marah-marah dia. Say sindir-sindir dia. Lama-lama dia pun tak kacau saya dah.

Orang lelaki ni, dia nak kawan dengan ex dia sebenarnya untuk hilangkan rasa bersalah dia je. Dia taknak rasa bersalah sebab tinggalkan kita so dia nak jadikawan which indicate that he still care. Tapi bagi pompuan, tu sume bullshitlah! Hee, sorry kasar sikit. Tapi yelah, macam mana nak kawan dengan orang yang kita sayang? Lagi-lagi kalau dia dah ada someone else. Lagilah kita sakit. Haih, marah betul ngan laki camni.

Kalau saya, saya block no my ex. Senang. Hee.

Eh, saya tak buat papepun. You should thank yourself. I only give you some advices and guidance, but you are the one who make it possible. :)

Anonymous said...

haa! tau xpe, susah kot nak jadi kawan dgn ex kita. yela, dulu syg2, pstuh mesti ade future plan with him, now nk lupakan sume tuh, and start something new, as a friend? eh mesti la plek.

tp kawan saya kata, okay je jadi kawan. bley je, but limit yourself. be strong enuff not to reminisce the past. macam la bley kan.

kawan saya kata lagi, dah tak payah layan. laki nh die x bley hidop takde pmpn. sbb tuh die contact2 kite, even die da ade gf.

i really want to block num die. tp x tau cne. kalau pakai nokia yg lama, saya tahu la. yg screening num ke ape ntah. tapi kalau nokia baru, kawan saya kata, kena pergi celcom center.

i'll try my best. saya tahu saya bley farhana!

and, i have survived before, so for sure i will survive next! kann?

someone better will come sooner, to us farhana :)

Anonymous said...

haa! tau xpe, susah kot nak jadi kawan dgn ex kita. yela, dulu syg2, pstuh mesti ade future plan with him, now nk lupakan sume tuh, and start something new, as a friend? eh mesti la plek.

tp kawan saya kata, okay je jadi kawan. bley je, but limit yourself. be strong enuff not to reminisce the past. macam la bley kan.

kawan saya kata lagi, dah tak payah layan. laki nh die x bley hidop takde pmpn. sbb tuh die contact2 kite, even die da ade gf.

i really want to block num die. tp x tau cne. kalau pakai nokia yg lama, saya tahu la. yg screening num ke ape ntah. tapi kalau nokia baru, kawan saya kata, kena pergi celcom center.

i'll try my best. saya tahu saya bley farhana!

and, i have survived before, so for sure i will survive next! kann?

someone better will come sooner, to us farhana :)

Farhana Aziz said...

For me, bole kawan. Tapi bila dalam hati dah takde rasa. Bila rasa tu dah hilang. Sebab takkan boleh kawan dengan ex selagi kita masih sayang dia more than friend. Tapi tu bagi saya la.

Oh ye ke? Saya pakai samsung so memang ada option untuk block number die. Huu, takpelah kalo camtu. Try alternatif lain plak.

InsyaALLAH awak bole. Papepun, we'll survive eventually kan?

Wishing the best for you. For both of us. :)

Anonymous said...

yep, yep. sebab tuh saya mintak kat dia, jangan contact. sebab saya nak kasi hilang dulu semua rasa, and when the time comes, i'll be ready to be his friend.

bukan kawan yang masih ada rasa. yang masih sakit tgk dia bahagia dgn org lain. hihi.

tuh la. kawan saya cakap, "try kau block manually" means kekuatan hati utk resist.

i'll try. hee. and btw, keep writing. your words, awesome gila! i love quotes, i love reading blog yang hebat in their writing. and you are one of them.

thanks again, for hearing :')

Farhana Aziz said...

Kan? Betul tu. Takkan nak kawan tapi at the same time simpan rasa sakit hati tiap kali dia cite or kita ternampak dia dengan orang baru. No, that is not friend. A friend will pray for his/her friends but not keep revenge upon them. No.

Kawan awak pun awesomelah. Betul jugak kata dia tu. Try block dia dari hati. Kadang-kadang, even dah block number whatsoever tapi kalo hati tak kuat, tak jadi jugak kan?

And, oh! I am flattered! Terima kasih sebab sudi baca blog saya. Tak pernah pun rasa macam ada orang akan baca blog ni. Buat just untuk kepuasan diri sendiri je.

My pleasure. Saya harap apa yang saya cakap selama ni membantu awak. Thank you again for dropping by. :)

Anonymous said...

haa, once da droppong by, nk drop je! bila nak stop cmni?

so point saya, hey farhana, cepat buat entry baru, saya nak baca, saya nak komen! tp nak komen dkt entry baru. hihi.

really looiking forward to read your new entry. and mana tau 1 day kita bley jadi kawan, lepak sama2.

dan mana tau, one day, awak pn jadi kawan saya yang awesome :)

Farhana Aziz said...

Eh, jangan stop! Hee, bole plak tak camtu. :P

Yup. Mana tau kan? Perancangan Tuhan itu misteri. But then, I really hope kita bole jumpa bertentang empat bijik mata. Bole deep-deep sama-sama. :)

Heheh. Nak nak jadi kawan awak yang awesome! :D