
Assalamualaikum w.b.t

What I write about might not be what I feel. It could be random. It could be about you, you or you. Or it could be about me. This is how I see the world. At least from what I saw through this thick spectacles.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010


memori. susahkan kalo takde memori. tak bole bayangkan kalo satu hari nanti tereksiden then hilang ingatan. tak bole bayang camne nak hidup tanpa ingat/kenal orang2 yang selama ni sayang kat kite. mesti stress. orang tu lagi stress n sdey kan sebab kite tak ingat die.

nape tiba2 tachink ni? sebab baru lepas tengok 6 episod Tsubasa Chronicle. anime yang best. yang dari kecik2 dulu sampai sekarang still duk tengok ag. maybe ramai yang taw sal anime ni kot. kalo xtaw bole bace serba sedikit sal anime ni kat sini.

sakura n shaoran ni sangat sweet. sangat terharu dengan kesungguhan shaoran cari memori sakura even sakura tak dapat ingat sape die. shaoran terpaksa korbankan die punya relationship dengan sakura sebagai syarat daripada Dimensional Witch untuk die dapat merentas dunia berbeza untuk cari memori sakura. but even she cannot recognise him, their relationship is so strong that deep down she knows how special and important shaoran is to her.

scene yang paling tachink kat episod 6. time sakura tanye shaoran. "who are you?". time tu hati sendiri plak rase pedih sebab sangat2 bole imajin pe shaoran rase time tu.

*my faveret picture.*

*my second faveret picture*

haih~ tachink ngn katun plak. keje banyak sebenarnye. tapi tensi sampai xley pikir dengan betul. so layan la Tsubasa Chronicle ni kejap. da abis layan, so jom2 sambung wat keje~

*it's not that i'm keeping grudges but i want you to feel the same thing as i feel so that you won't do that again as you yourselves can feel how hurt it is. i won't do anything to you. because i know. i will get it back. karma babe. karma. so i'll leave it to HIM. HE knows the best.

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