
Assalamualaikum w.b.t

What I write about might not be what I feel. It could be random. It could be about you, you or you. Or it could be about me. This is how I see the world. At least from what I saw through this thick spectacles.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hidung kembang kuncup. Heh.

assalamualaikum wbt.

*klik untuk penglihatan yang lebih jelas*

Heheh, Bangga kejap. Haha.*eleh, tu pun nak bangga. biarlah! blog aku! XD*

Thanks ye dik. :))


Anonymous said...

hye farhana. i'm your silent reader. so sorry that i cant tell you who i am, sbb kalau cte pn x tau punya, siyes2. seriously, bla baca ur blog, i knew exactly what you felt. be strong okay. kita satu kasut. can we be friend? i'm a girl :)

nor fatihah said...

Salam..kak farhana...suke giler baca your blog^_^ n sngt terkezut sebab sy pun sedang negalami situasi yg sama...biler bca.."oh, bukan aku sorang jer yg rasa macam nie.." fighting ok=)

Farhana Aziz said...

sure. why not. i am delighted to be your friend no matter you are a girl or a boy. :)

btw, thank you very much for dropping by~


wsalam. tq~ hee. apa yang akak rasa ni rasanya ramai lagi yang rasa. intinya sama, tapi mungkin caranya yang berbeza. takpe. percaya dengan qada' dan qadar ALLAH. insyaALLAH, everything's gonna be just fine. u too, fighting ye~ :)

Anonymous said...

hee! nak komen dekat new entry, but xpe la. komen kt tmpt sama je. hehe.

actually, i felt exactly what you felt. even my relationship didnt last for 4 years, tp what we're going thru sama je. bila baca letter for him dkt prev entry (i guess you already del right), serius sdey!

hanya org yg pnh lalui je tahu cne sakit nya dikhianati, 3rd party whatsoever kan?

i hope, and wish, you, will stay strong. trust me, u deserve someone better! hee.

and, and, and, do pray for me to stay strong too. sbb kdg2 rs kuat sgt, kdg2 rs, bleeding blk.

salam ukhuwah :)

Anonymous said...

hee! nak komen dekat new entry, but xpe la. komen kt tmpt sama je. hehe.

actually, i felt exactly what you felt. even my relationship didnt last for 4 years, tp what we're going thru sama je. bila baca letter for him dkt prev entry (i guess you already del right), serius sdey!

hanya org yg pnh lalui je tahu cne sakit nya dikhianati, 3rd party whatsoever kan?

i hope, and wish, you, will stay strong. trust me, u deserve someone better! hee.

and, and, and, do pray for me to stay strong too. sbb kdg2 rs kuat sgt, kdg2 rs, bleeding blk.

salam ukhuwah :)

Farhana Aziz said...

yep2. dah delete sebab rasa macam takde gunanya simpan post tu. he doesn't feel the same way. so, yeah i have my pride, my dignity and it's better if i just delete it. besides, i've moved on. there's nothing more to regret about kan?

and, saya jenis yang sangat ego. saya pantang untuk jadi pathetic over a guy. bila baca balik those posts rasa macam, eh, fana! pathetic gila engkau! dia tengah bahagia dengan orang lain kau kat sini nak reminisce saat-saat bahagia kau dulu yang entah dia ingat lagi ke tak. please la fana. have a hell of a pride. please.

so, yep, here i am. moving on over a broke up. takpe. slow-slow. as i said in my latest entry, take a baby step first before turning it into giant ones. you can do it. i believe you can. :)

andif you want to talk privately with me or anything, you can add my skype or gtalk.


i'd be happy to talk. i am no doktor cinta. but i can listen. as a friend.


Anonymous said...

hehe. segan nya nak add skype. i'm doing fine, tp one day i will add eihter skype, fb or pape ur social network la. hehe

slu impress tgk org yg da move on, yg relationship dorg smp 4,5 taun, but still able to smile and get up back. sdgkan, mine xde la selama tuh, tp amek mse like forever to heal. haihh!

tp i always believe in myself, kalau org laen bley, why not me kan?

smoga kite same2 kuat okeh? hee! and btw, dont you feel hurt, if tgk ur ex bahagia2 ngn pmpn len? x sakit ke? if you ask me, sakit. sumtyms i dont care, but sumtyms it's killing me slowly. tp kejap je la freak out, ps2 okay. hehe

i wish i am strong like you, like my friends :)))