
Assalamualaikum w.b.t

What I write about might not be what I feel. It could be random. It could be about you, you or you. Or it could be about me. This is how I see the world. At least from what I saw through this thick spectacles.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Qada' dan QadarNYA.

assalamualaikum wbt.

Awak, I think I've made myself very clear last time. Don't contact me ever again. Make yourself invisible to me and vise versa. And make yourself dead to me and make myself dead to you. See, very clear right? But still, why did you have to contact me again? *sigh* Please dear you. Don't ever contact me again. There's no harm actually but please, think of her too. What would she feels if she knows you sent me messages saying you dreaming of me, missing me and stuffs? *sigh again* Please consider her feelings. I am nothing to you now and I want it to be that way forever.


Heh, sedikit selingan ye di atas. Kalau-kalau dia terbaca blog ni. Hee. Sebenarnya kan, rasa tak percaya jugak. Sebab satu insiden kat KL aritu terus cepat boleh get over dia. Mungkin apa yang dia buat tu terlalu sakit sampai lepas tu rasa macam, haih, dahla. Enough is enough. No more you. Please. Di tambah dengan brainwash oleh rumate dan bestfriends. Memang sangat berkesan la brainwash diorang tu. Siapa-siapa yang nak kena brainwash boleh contact saya untuk pihak diorang. Tak mahal tak mahal. Hee sempat lagi tu.

Dan jugak. Terima qada' dan qadar ALLAH. Itu yang sangat penting. Bila kau terima qada' dan qadarNYA, insyaALLAH DIA permudahkan urusan kau. Tapi untuk terima qada' dan qadar ni bukan senang tahu? Sangat susah. Bertuah bagi aku sebab aku hanya ambik masa selama 2 bulan untuk terima. Ada orang ambik masa mungkin berbulan-bulan. Mungkin jugak bertahun-tahun. Ye, kita memang boleh cakap, "Aku terima qada' dan qadarNYA.". Tapi mungkin tu hanya kat bibir je. Tak sepenuhnya dari hati. Aku awal-awal pun macam tu. Kemain mulut cakap "Aku terima semua ni. Adalah hikmahnya tu," tapi dalam hati kemain jerit why whyyyyyyy? Takpe, slow-slow. Take baby steps before turning it into giant one.

Kawan. Bestfriends. Mereka sangat penting. Dan carilah kawan yang betul-betul kau boleh percaya. Yang boleh simpan apa yang kau cerita dan tak jaja cerita kau dekat orang yang tak sepatutnya. Aku sangat bertuah. Sangat-sangat bertuah. Sebab aku ada bestfriends yang sudi dengar cerita aku. Bagi pendapat diorang (atau lebih pada brainwash. haha). Brainwash ni pun berguna jugak. Sebab most of the time, we knew what we have been doing is useless but we keep telling ourselves that it's okay to try over and over again. We keep seeing signs but we ignore it. When someone told us that what we have been doing is useless, yes, we will be dumbfounded at first, but after that we will stop for awhile and think. And we will admit that it is true eventually. No point of waiting. No point. So, thanks eh rumate dan bestfriends. Aku sayang korang!

Daripada kejadian ni jugak la aku dapat seorang bestfriend. He is indeed my friend tapi sebelum ni takdelah sampai jadi bestfriend. We have been in the same primary, secondary school. Even the same university though different courses. When he heard that I had been in difficult situation, he came to offer his hand. He keeps giving me advices. Keeps giving me support. And he is playing a big role for me to survive this test. Thanks eh you. Aku sayang kaulah! :D

So, kesimpulannya *ceh, macam karangan sekolah* apa yang terjadi tu ada hikmahnya. Everything happens for a reason. You won't realize it at first. But, eventually you will know. HE tests you for a reason. Just be yourself and face the tests with a smile. 'Cause when you smile, the world will smile back to you.


*Bestfriend bagi. Comel kan? Macam orang yang bagi. Hee :D*

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