
Assalamualaikum w.b.t

What I write about might not be what I feel. It could be random. It could be about you, you or you. Or it could be about me. This is how I see the world. At least from what I saw through this thick spectacles.


Friday, January 8, 2010

mimpi lagi

salam.the clock says 4:23 am now but yet,i am still awake.i can't sleep la weyh!huu.pagi sok mesti umi mrh ank dara die bgn lmbt koz mlm ni tdo lmbt*of korse la umi xtaw saya tido lmbt huu*.urgh,saya tingin nk shopping.tatau nape.smpai semalam mimpi p shopping haha.lame dream.

beberapa hari ni saya sangat kuat mkn.cuba bayangkan,diner pukul 7 pukul 8 setengah perut da lapar balik.oh,tolong!saya da gemuk da ni taw.perut,tolong bg kerjasama ek.

and right now,i've been worrying about sumthing.oh,how i wish i can get rid of it off my mind.*then play your role then!*

erk,perut saya menjerit kelaparan.lebey baek saya tido so that lapar ni hilang

*mereka ini sgt comel kn?*

*saya mau ini!sum1 belikan saya satu!*

**gud luck.chem quiz.=)
***and yes,this post is a total crap.sorry for making you read this.haha macamla ade org bace =p


Nash said...

esok, abg nash gi shopping, bli iron, heater, bantal, slipo, kole, men bowling, tgk muvie...


smga ade sum1ne yg akan blikan bende atas tu~ ;P

Farhana Aziz said...

xsnonoh tul abg nash ckp kt org nk g shopping.kalo bley ikut xpe la..huu

mtk2 la abg nash..huu

jati melayu sejati said...

jangan lupa skipping,hahaha..bagus utk kuatkan sume otot..

nash shopping sorng2 jer.xpela,huhuhu...

Nash said...

bgi terbakar cket lagi...

tgk muvie best, "old dogs" yg sngt lawak!

lagi skali...balik smpi utp jam 1pagi...sakan punye shopping~

ok, cukup...

Farhana Aziz said...

abg nuri:baek~da nk blik utp ni so bley jog kt utp..hee

abg nash:lantak ag nash la..nnt kalo fana nk p shopping xmo ajk abg nash =p