
Assalamualaikum w.b.t

What I write about might not be what I feel. It could be random. It could be about you, you or you. Or it could be about me. This is how I see the world. At least from what I saw through this thick spectacles.


Saturday, October 15, 2011

berat mata memandang berat lagi bahu memikul

assalamualaikum wbt.

Aku penah buat post pasal kawan-kawan kat sini kan? Hari ni aku nak buat lagi post pasal kawan. Saja gatal tangan nak buat lagi. HAHA

The truth is, I do appreciate my friends. They always with me through thick and thin. They make me strong when I wither. They offer their shoulder for me to cry on. They bring me anywhere I want to go. They support me in everything.

For my friends, Rumate, Sya and Awien. Thanks much. Tanpa korang aku tak tau apa akan jadi kat aku ni. Korang pun tahu kan aritu aku miserable gila. Sekarang ni kalo nak miserable memang tak bole langsung sebab korang for sure buat aku happy.

I am grateful to ALLAH SWT for granting me with such a wonderful friends. And Ya ALLAH, I couldn't ask for more. This is more than enough.

Thank you Ya Rabb. :)

*betullah orang cakap. Friends insyaALLAH will always be there for u. But lover, once they don't love u anymore they will simply vanish.

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