
Assalamualaikum w.b.t

What I write about might not be what I feel. It could be random. It could be about you, you or you. Or it could be about me. This is how I see the world. At least from what I saw through this thick spectacles.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Saya terharu sangat-sangat bila sahabat saya buat ini.

assalamualaikum wbt.

No words needed. 'Cause there's no words can describe how touched I am when I am reading these:

Yang Selayaknya by Hunnyhanani.

kerana kita punya rasa yang berbeza.
aku sendiri,kau pergi membawa diri.
aku masih di sini,kau sudah punya pengganti.
dan aku tetap menanti.

mungkin bukan dikau.
boleh jadi dia.dia dan dia.
mana mungkin sama antara kau dan dia.
bayangan masa silam yang suram berbalam
mana mungkin serupa dengan masa depan yang gemilang.
aku mungkin sendiri tapi aku masih di sini.
menanti pada yang pasti.

walau aku tidak punya dikau,
aku ada DIA.
dan mereka.

writen from heart to my dearest friend,Fana.
hugs and kisses from afar.

My dearest friend. Thank you for everything. Thank you for the time you hear me cry. Thank you for the trouble you had by calling me from afar. Thank you for the poem above. Thank you. I completely cannot repay you for those things you've done for me but I only can pray to ALLAH SWT that HE will bless you and keep you safe wherever you are.

Thank God I have you as my friend. :))

(the poem above is pasted from her blog)

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