
Assalamualaikum w.b.t

What I write about might not be what I feel. It could be random. It could be about you, you or you. Or it could be about me. This is how I see the world. At least from what I saw through this thick spectacles.


Thursday, November 7, 2013


assalamualaikum wbt.

"All I see are girls talking about how 'real' boyfriends have to be sweet, caring, emotionally supportive, good at communicating, prioritizes her, and overall treating her like a  princess. But no one talks about what a 'real' girlfriend does. 

A 'real' girlfriend is someone who is there for their man, through good and bad times. A real girlfriend does not expect to be treated like a princess, but still treats her boyfriend like a prince. A real girlfriend does not depend on her boyfriend for everything, but instead works with him as a team. She might even send him a text at 3 am in the morning when he's sleeping, telling him how blessed she is to have him. A real girlfriend tries to be emotionally strong for the relationship, because she knows her boyfriend also needs a shoulder to lean on too at times. A real girlfriend tells her boyfriend what's wrong, instead of sulking or throwing tantrums. A real girlfriend does not demand, she compromises. A real girlfriend should act like a woman, not like a little girl who needs to be pampered 24/7.

Lastly, a real girlfriend does not talk bad about her boyfriend to her friends, because she knows her friends should never have any doubt that her partner is the best person in her life.

Girls always talk about how a guy will never know he's got a good girl until he's lost her. Unfortunately, a lot of girls will never know she's got a good man until she's lost him as well.(@sfqomhz)"

*found this on twitter today. Kinda interesting, don't you think?

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